Open Network Lab Seed Accelerator 30th Batch accepting applications!

Deadline: 2025/3/31, Noon (JST) | Program period: June to September, 2025


Open Office Hours

Open Office Hours are available for the startups and entrepreneurs.
We are having one-on-one meetings with our team to discuss ideas and business strategies.

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JAPAN Track for growth in Japan, GLOBAL Track for challenges into the world

In addition to the existing JAPAN Track, which supports growth in Japan, and GLOBAL Track, which supports startup’s global expansion from Day 1, utilizing the incubation center in San Francisco and various global networks.


This track is designed for startups aiming to expand their services in Japan and achieve growth. Onlab’s 15 years of expertise in supporting startups will help startups achieve the fastest possible business growth.


This track is designed for startups that expand their business globally from Day 1, such as in San Francisco and London. We support local product-market fit (PMF) and business growth by conducting activities in target markets overseas.

*Please choose which track you prefer at the time of application.


Industry Agnostic Any disruptive ideas made possible by the internet



  • Lending
  • Payment
  • Baas
  • Embedded Finance
  • A2A
  • Digital Wallets
  • Fraud Detection
  • Crypto


  • E-Commerce
  • Social Commerce
  • Voice Commerce
  • Cross-border E-Commerce
  • Retail Tech
  • OMO
  • Headless Commerce


  • Inbound Travel
  • Booking & Search
  • Operation DX
  • Virtual Travel Agent
  • Sharing Economy
Smart City

Smart City

  • xEMS
  • Demand Response
  • EV
  • MaaS
  • Disaster Prevention
  • Nature Positive
Climate Tech | Clean Tech

Climate Tech | Clean Tech

  • Energy
  • Circular Economy
  • Carbon Credit
  • Plant-based Food
  • Employee Experience
  • New Material

Vertical SaaS

  • Finance
  • Travel
  • Real Estate
  • Medical/Healthcare
  • Advertising
  • Retail/Restaurant


  • Generative AI
  • AI
  • web3
  • Cyber Security


Build value that will become the nucleus of your business

Community of entrepreneurs

This community includes startups in the same stage inspring each other to work hard, alumni who have already exited, and dedicated mentors who can provide ongoing advice. We also provide an environment where founders can easily interact with each other.

Continuous learning environment

Onlab Campus holds practical seminars based on startup needs and market conditions, which are open to our startups at any time. In addition, startups also have access to templates and knowledge that we have created based on our past support experience that can be used in various situations.

Accountability and peer pressure

The three-month program consists of regular check-in meetings with mentors and a demo day at the end of the program, among other events. This set schedule motivates startups to grow faster than if they were on their own, due to higher accountability and peer pressure from other startups in the same cohort.



Specialists and investors from various fields, both domestically and internationally, along with seasoned entrepreneurs, provide mentoring on services and products. Additionally, Onlab members support startups by assisting them in validating their business hypotheses, developing MVPs, and achieving product-market fit.



After the 3-month program, the Onlab team, alumni, and mentors continue to provide multifaceted support for business growth and organizational expansion for up to 2 years. They also offer hands-on assistance for startups’ next fundraising efforts. After that, hands-if support is provided thereafter.



Onlab’s alumni community comprises over 160 CEOs and numerous CXOs. They bring with them experience in IPOs, exits, and tackling significant challenges (and sometimes the hard things). Join this unparalleled entrepreneurial community and gain insights from seasoned senior entrepreneurs and like-minded peers at any time.



Participating teams can receive around 10 million yen to fund their activities. It depends on the company’s situation and performance.



We provide workspace in Shibuya, Daikanyama, San Francisco, and London (up to 2 years free). Startup team business camps’ accommodation is also available in Japan. *Conditions vary by location.



Gain access to various tools and resources tailored for startups, covering infrastructure, development, hiring, and business essentials, all available at special discounted prices.



Pitch to an audience of many investors (from Japan and overseas) at the culmination of the 3-month program, for a chance to raise additional capital. We have experience running demo days and doing matchmaking with VCs fully online.

Go Global


Especially in San Francisco’s Silicon Valley, we facilitate rapid expansion and establishment of businesses abroad by introducing local angel investors, venture capitalists, and entrepreneur communities, as well as supporting activities such as establishing US corporations, opening bank accounts, and visa acquisition.

Assets for Startups

Utilizing the assets of the business to achieve further growth

*Assets and support details are just examples. Varies depending on the selected company.

Global Incubation Stream

We will make the best use of the global network that Digital Garage has built so far
to incubate startups that can compete on the global stage.

Global Incubation Stream


Vast experience from “Series A ~ IPO” and investors from around the world


Kaoru Hayashi

Representative Director, President Executive Officer and Group CEO, Digital Garage, Inc.
Executive Chairman,, Inc.

Joi Ito

Board member, and Senior Managing Executive Officer and Chief Architect, Digital Garage, Inc.

Atsuhiro Murakami

Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer,, Inc.

Yuzo Takamatsu

Senior Managing Executive Officer General Manager, Incubation Business Division,, Inc.

Lisa Katayama

Corporate Officer, DGUS CSO, Digital Garage, Inc.

Naz Ozertugrul

Naz Ozertugrul

Head of Investment and Partnerships, Europe, Digital Garage, Inc.

Go Kawasaki

Go Kawasaki

Executive Officer, General Manager, Affiliate Company Management Division, Manager, Sustainable Management Promotion Department,, Inc.

Tatsuya Matsui

Executive Officer,, Inc.
Representative Director LCL, Inc.

Teruhide Sato


Hiro Maeda

ALL STAR SAAS FUND Managing Partner


Mutsumi Ota

Mutsumi Ota

giftee Inc. Representative Director, CEO

Taro Fukuyama

Taro Fukuyama

Founder of Fond

Shota Horii

Shota Horii

SmartBank,Inc. Chief Executive Officer

Eiko Matsumura

Eiko Matsumura

PtCareer, Inc. Founder

Takanori Yokoi

Takanori Yokoi

Co-founder of Increments Inc. (currently Qiita Inc.)

Shoji Miyata

Shoji Miyata

Nstock Inc. CEO

Shingo Kurihara

Shingo Kurihara

POPER Co.,Ltd. Chief Executive Officer


Benefits provided by over 80 partners to boost the growth of startup businesses



Google Cloud Platform















Channel Talk




We also offer a variety of other benefits ranging from business to employee one.


Over 160 program alumni
playng an active role in their respective industries and regions

Total Startups


Funding Success Rate


Exited Companies


Alumni’s Voice

福山 太郎

Batch 3 – 2011
Fond Technologies, Inc CEO

Taro Fukuyama

For us, Onlab is like a launchpad to the world. After participating in Onlab, we challenged ourselves in the United States, and with the support of the Onlab team, we were able to take on this overseas challenge. In this sense, it truly felt like a launchpad to the world.

Shoji Miyata

Batch 10 – 2015
SmartHR, Inc. Founder

Shoji Miyata

“SmartHR” was born through ten pivots during our time at Onlab. Without Onlab, SmartHR wouldn’t exist today. The strong pressure from the mentors and the time constraint of having a Demo Day in three months brought an incredible speed to our development.

Batch 12 – 2016 Co-founder

Eli Lyons

Our mentor treated us very well and was very patient. For example, in the beginning I thought 5 minute pitches were ridiculous, but he was able to help me understand from an investors’ point of view, why it made sense to do a 5 minute pitch, and what investors expect to see.

Batch 17 – 2018
Giftpack Co-founder

Archer Chiang

We learned how to advance business in Japan and the importance of connecting with many talented people and big corporations who can continuously help us even now.I can’t put everything into words because I’ve learned so much. I would definitely love to retake the program whenever I have the opportunity.

Chiba Kaori

Batch 25 – 2022
kaeka Inc. CEO

Kaori Chiba

I think many people struggle with starting a business without knowing the basics. Receiving precise advice from mentors at Onlab broadened my perspective, and this support has helped me immensely in my current role. Objective and appropriate input on our business helped us convey the appeal and challenges of our service.

石川 達基

Batch 26 – 2023
eMoBi co,Ltd CEO

Tatsuki Ishikawa

If you’re struggling with starting your business or raising funds, I highly recommend entering Onlab, which provides tailor-made support. The overseas fundraising workshops offered by Onlab were very practical, and the frameworks provided, as well as the emphasis on effective communication, were all purpose-driven and extremely beneficial.

Onlab alumni(Some excerpts)

  • LisB
  • oVice
  • busket
  • Anipos
  • Job-Us
  • EaSyGo
  • Spatial Pleasure
  • eTREE
  • Cayzen
  • 小児科オンライン
  • eMoBi
  • イチロウ
  • Oh my teeth
  • tokuty
  • Section L
  • DOU

Interviews with Graduates: Articles Useful for Startup Management– Onlab Journal –

AI採用エージェントの「BlancAI」と地理空間分析の「xMap」 2社が最優秀賞を受賞!
Onlab HOKKAIDO 7th Batch Demo Day Report
世界からお酒の不公平をなくす。お酒でもお茶でも、ジュースでもないプレミアムノンアルコール飲料「YOILABO」|Meet with Onlab Grads Vol.49
日本での成長支援を行う「JAPAN Track」に加え、海外進出を志すスタートアップを支援する新プロジェクト「GLOBAL Track」を始動


Challenge Onlab Seed Accelerator Program ?


Program Open Network Lab Seed Accelerator 30th Batch
Deadline 2025/3/31 Mon, Noon (JST)
Selection Schedule First Selection : Early April 〜
Second Selection : Early May 〜
Final Screening : 5/30
Participation Requirements
  • If research results, patents or other intellectual property rights are to be used in participants’ business, the participants need to have the rights to use such research results, patents, or other intellectual property rights in their business and shall not infringe the rights of any third party.
  • Participants are required to attend the events such as lectures, mentoring or regular meetings that are to be held in the daytime on weekdays and scheduled for approximately ten (10) hours a week during the period of Open Network Lab “Seed Accelerator” program (collectively referred to as the “Program”) which runs approximately three (3) months, and to have skills to produce prototypes or achieve a certain level of the business progress during the Program period and to demonstrate the results.
  • If participant has had a third party invest in it, the participants need to have obtained prior consent from such investor to participate in the Program.
  • Participants’ business shall not violate public order or morality.
  • Individual participants, members of the participating team, their relatives or their stakeholders shall not be involved in a part of anti-social forces or have any relationship with anti-social forces.
  • Although participants may apply to the Program regardless of nationality, age or gender, participants who have nationality other than that of Japan and live in Japan need to be legally qualified to stay in Japan during the period designated by Digital Garage, Inc.(“DG”) and any of their group companies (collectively “DG Group”) in the Program period.
  • Participants under the age of twenty (20) need to have acquired the written consent of their parent or legal guardian.
Terms of Participation
  • The Applicant shall submit additional documents for screening or investing by DG and DG Group, if requested by them.
  • In addition, the Applicant shall comply with other obligations including those regarding the application procedures. Furthermore, the Applicant shall agree to the terms and conditions of participation to be separately designated by DG and DG Group.
  • Participants shall attend events relating to the Program held by DG and DG Group during the Program period.
  • If participants’ corporate entities have not yet set up at the time of application, the participants shall incorporate a corporation after participating in the Program.
  • The Applicant agrees that its activities may be posted on the websites or other media designated by DG, DG Group, and any of their group companies in addition to the official website of Open Network Lab.
  • During the Program Period, the Applicant shall concentrate on the business that they have undertaken to conduct in the application for the Program.
  • Participants shall not discuss possible business alliances or receiving investments during the Program period with a third party without the prior consent of DG and DG Group.
  • The Applicant shall allocate its shares to DG and DG Group (if it is incorporated afterwards, it shall do so after incorporation). With respect to the investment by DG and DG Group, contract(s) regarding such investment needs to be separately concluded.
Application Process
  1. Application: Apply via website with filled entry form.
  2. Entry Form Screening: We will review your entry form from the perspective of your product idea, target market and team.
  3. First & Second Selection: There will be a face-to-face or online interview with Onlab team. *We may ask you to have submit additional documents.
  4. Final Interview: Giving a presentation to board members of DG and DG Group.
  5. Adoption: Program Starts.


Application-Related Questions

There are no engineers on my team; can I still apply?
We will gladly accept applications of all candidates regardless of the structure of your team. However, it is expected that your product is developed and released during the duration of the program; therefore, precedence goes to teams with engineers.
I am the only member in the team; can I still apply?
Yes, however we expect you to develop and release your product by the end of the program.
I am a minor or a student; can I still apply?
Yes, however in the case of minors, we require parental or legal guardian consent.
Can I submit application documents in English?
Please submit applications either in English or Japanese.
Are teams with multiple services eligible to apply for the program?
Yes, however due to the limited time we can provide each team during the interview process, it will be necessary to talk about each service within a fixed amount of time. Therefore, the time to promote and appeal each service will be shortened.
Can I still participate in Onlab even if I raised seed money?
We welcome all companies, whether or not they have raised money.

About the Interview Process

Will the interviews be conducted online? Do I need to go to the venue?
Since interviews are generally conducted online, please join from a place with a stable internet connection.
Is there a language designation for the interview?
Interviews are available in Japanese and English.
Is it required for all team members to be present during the interview?
No, any number of team members may participate provided that they are able to describe the service and answer any questions that may be asked.
Can my team members participate in the interview?
Yes, however we ask that each team limits participants to three members.
How many interviewers will there be?
There will be anywhere from one to two interviewers.
Can we receive feedback on the application results?
Due to the large quantity of applications, we do not give out feedback on application results.
Should I make a presentation at the interview based on the slide material that was attached to my application?
Yes, we ask you to follow the slide. you do not need to send in your updated slides prior to the interview unless instructed to do so.

Program-Related Questions

Do I need to stay in Tokyo during the program?
Not necessary, if you can participate online.
What is the fee to join the program?
The program is free of cost.
Do I have to be incorporated to join the program?
Incorporation is not necessary prior to the program; however, we require all teams to incorporate during the program.
Can I participate in other programs at the same time?
We ask that teams refrain from joining multiple programs so they don’t mix up priorities and tasks.
Is investment required? What is the amount?
If you are selected for the program, equity investment from Digital Garage or its subsidiaries is the condition of participation. The amount will be considered to be around 10 million yen, depending on the company’s situation and track record.

Please contact us for any questions other than the above.

We will send you the latest events information and articles
or notify opening of application for each Onlab's Program, and more.